1 de noviembre de 2006
Deqr one, Over dinner today Cris made me
cry. We were talking about Helen and she said “poor Suzanne, what did you do to
her, dad?” ; she disarmed me. No answers. Yes it was my fault. You impressed
Cristina with your conversation over the phone and she said you are very nice
and sweet. It is terrible when children ask questions. I was all fidgety all
the afternoon and I called twice. I thought something wrong went with the phone
but realized you were busy perhaps expecting your prospective buyers never
mind. I am sure you sell your property well but of course I appreciate it might
me a trauma moving and packing and going to live somewhere else and adapt to a
new life negotiating your retirement and pension. Many things at a time, take
it easy. My heart is with you in this especial moments. That is why I fell in
the temptation of the bloody phone. Sometimes I have physical need to talk to
you because it relaxes me and in your mails
you sound so laconic. Of course I want to know more and more about my
dear Helen. Forgive this estranged father. I hope that when you change address
we not lose contacts please. Now I have been thinking about an idea all the
afternoon such is well as I know I have hanged my books in Internet from an international
booksellers Abebooks and the business goes well I notice I have more petitions.
Today I am sending a book I purchased in London
called the “Day s Burden” to Ireland ,
yesterday dispatched another to California and
the day before to Germany .
I have about two thousands and odds books in stock and I can conduct this
business from home it keeps me entertained and fit and also I liked since I
think I am a bit of connoisseur and you know how much I love books and also I
know you do as well as you have been quite an extensive and prolific reader. My
proposal is this – perhaps books I dont know could unite us again for Helen’s
sake if life and events since there is always a gap between expectations and
achievements did us part- we could earn money by selling books through
Internet. All you have to do is to make a catalogue or put down a list of the
books you have read get rid of and want
them on the market and transfer it to me via email and I hanged in my website
if I have a petition I mailed you and sent the money of the prize of the book
postages and every thing. The description is like this:
1- Name of the author in capitals
2- Surname after coma
3- Title
4- Publishing House
5- Year of edition
6- Some particulars of format like soft
or hard cover (skin) characteristics of paper
7- Conditions of the copy
8- Prize in dollars or in pounds.
For me it is like manual work. Keeps
me out mischief and of my broodings and
also I can earn some money. I remember when I was in London I used to visit often Portobello and
the flea markets. Well you told me you have books in cases. Dont dispose of
them please. Helen likes books? If she does please tell me. It could be a good
business for her spare time. I dont know I hope I have not proposed an
infuriating or mad idea. Things here are quite smooth although the political
situation is a disaster and very hard for me to put through but we will survive
and my taxonomy from now onwards should be never complain I know I am grumbler
but very strong and stubborn. They bend me but they might not break me. How
sweet Cristina how full of commonsense. I am in a quagmire since I dont know
what to do to approach our Helen. Will she like to accept to come over here for
Xmas? My wife is better since I have been nearly five weeks in the band wagon. She didn’t let me to go to
Fuentesoto since she knows me and the bodegas or cellars with the good wine of
the Ribera del Duero are a danger for me. Poor Silvino I did not go to put
flowers in his tomb but I have had him all the day in my mind and also you parents. They are all
together now. Please I am anxious to gather news about Helen and also how is it
going the selling of the house. I dont understand why Rog is also packing up.
Please dont disaggregate, stay together perhaps you want to be near Helen. The
babies ok? Those little things could be nuisance . How maternal she is and
professional. Tell me more things about her what she likes how are her friends.
I see the telly and London is as bad as here full of aliens and Islamises they
might be good people I dont deny it but why they dont adapt themselves to our
way of life and drop the chador and the gurka and the veil or what we call here
because this country was Islamic for eight centuries and some of the Arabs
tradition endure the griñon or almaizar. I hope that this melting pot comes out
without conflict but my Henar frightened me when she said today she wants to give birth to a black baby
and better twins gosh I nearly had a shock. I would accept it of course we are
all sons of God but it is a pill hard to swallow if she marries a Muslim and
takes my child to his harem. If God forbids but I am full of cobwebs and in the
doldrums and that is why sometimes I want to talk with you. I cant talk to my
wife she says I am burnt out case and she says I look like Buda my looks very
deteriorated but I can say I have been a good breadwinner and provider I didn’t
keep anything for myself since I am a bohemian and generous coming from a very
peasant family but I pushed myself through in life. A pity I couldn’t fulfil my
dreams of a literary career. The whole planet has changed and readers are not
interested in beauty feelings or aesthetics considerations. Everything has
become venal and subjected to market forces. No place to a humanist like me.
Still I keep a job and my marriage although it is quite on the rocks had gone
to worse patches than now in the past. It was a mistake to get married again
out of despite I think sometimes but others seeing the nice family God has
given me hold other considerations that I have written a good book with crooked
characters and uneven lines. Anyway Suzanne Tony was only a philosopher a
dreamer. Should have become a priest but the bishop should have the hell of a
job with me always running after the ladies. Please consider my proposal. What
do you think about the idea of selling books in partnership with me. That is
why I wanted to ring you up. Write as soon as you can and please become a
little bit more explicit my lady Suzanne. I always will love you until I pop
off. You were a miracle a dream I never thought you were real. That was the
trouble. Look after yourself and send my Helen tons of kisses and love and
support. I am still scared to talk to her.
Your faithfully
Antonio Parra
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