viernes, 21 de mayo de 2021


el encanto ortodoxo de chejov que influyó en mi vida




Chejov was part of my life. I remember in the school I taught Spanish and French the professor of Russian language reciting part of a short story by the master. He said brevity is a signal of genius and that concision made him a modern writer apt to the new formulas of communication as a twitter facebook and other means of Internet. I remember that morning 30th May 1976 I was waiting the birth of my daughter in Princess Beatrice Hospital in London I was reading Chejov ´Opera Omnia on a lavish edition bought in Madrid Feria del Libro left in a bench when the matron called to attend the birth of Almudena. It was a long labor. The poor infant was nearly choked the umbilical cord twisting her neck could not breath. However I saw an angel of seven wings invisible presence coming out and forth the stretcher of the paritorium. It was a miracle that poor Almu survived its difficult birth. It was the angel of Chejov aiding at my side. I saw his holy presence many a time during difficulties. Somebody took the book I was reading by waiting to Heavens in the attendance of God. By irony of Destiny that hospital of London was situated in front of a cemetery. We saw secular graveyards from the windows of the Labour Room. In the third floor the new mothers were breastfeeding their newborns. About of the patients were Russian women, attached to the Soviet Union Embassy located in the district. One of them Ludmila was reading The cherry orchard. What a coincidence I thought. Anton Pavlovich Chejov (1860-1904) was born in Tangeog the son of a deacon.

His father took little Anton to church to attend the long and beautiful liturgy of the Russian Orthodox Church. Masses might be tedious and boring attended standing up, but concealed the mystery of the inner self and the attachment with Divinity. Congregations lack chairs.

However the music of the litanies the light of the ikons, candles burning in the angles, the scent of incense fuming, the golden lights of chasubles and tiaras wearing the popes embroidered, the stole of the deacon proclaiming the Evangel under the Sabaoth dome   and the atmosphere of beauty of heavens in the ceremonial somewhat imprinted the style of the prose of Chejov transmitting the excellences of the believers.

His prose carries on like the stances of the hymnody. Anton Pavlovich Chejov is a big troparios

1876 the family moved to Moscow. Anton took the degree in Medicine he became the breadwinner as a surgeon and as a casual writer in the local papers. In the period of 188l-1887 he published an amount of seven hundred “sdachi” (short stories) full of sound Russian humor and compassion scenes of quotidian lives of the Muscovites. Following Pushkin advice you must write in brevity and exactness he became very popular among the readers.

Those venial sdachi were the preparation for his major masterpieces in the Theater Uncle Vania, Cherry Orchard, Room number six, The Sea gull, Three Sisters. “Brevity is the sister of Talent”. An old Spanish adagio “If short twice good” (si breve dos veces bueno)

J Lain Entralgo a Russophile and translator of Pushkin Gogol and Tolstoi   writes that Chejov was influenced by Tolstoi theory of no resistance to Evil in the world but since his visit to Sajalin in Siberia that attitude changed: “The old world is crumbling down we must change look at life with different eyes. To think highly and breed noble ideals is not enough, the utopia is worthless. We must do something to change the rotten Russian system into a garden”. Gorki a friend and admirer of his books said that Chekov reminded him of a doctor ambling the gangways of a big hospital but he lacked medicines and also did not know if the medicines will cure his patients. For me Chejov is liturgy full of beauty amplitude, the chants of the choir big pomp and ceremonial. In that sense Literature reflects the possibility of cure of our remorse and maladies. We must dream of the Cherry Orchad as the possibility of building a paradise on Earth. We know that is a quixotic ideal a simple dream but we must endeavor to attain it. The Seraphim of the vision I have in the labour room of Princess Beatrice Hospital where my second daughter was born always walks side by side with me                                               

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2021



Vistas las imágenes de los bombardeos sobre Cisjordania un verdadero genocidio mueren niños y se derriban edificios donde están instaladas oficinas de cadenas de tv y agencias periodísticas the jewish inquisition is back, los españoles merendábamos ayer con la noticia del asalto a la frontera de Ceuta. Moros en la costa. Cerca de mil marroquies agitando sus rojas banderas muchos de ellos niños de corta edad pertrechados con celulares y víveres en el morral. Creo que Israel está detras de esta marcha verde secundado por Biden ese carcamal norteamericano que no puede haber comenzado peor su mandato para los intereses de sus aliados. Hace unos días en Tel Aviv se firmaba un tratado de amistad con el rey alauí siguiendo su política de expulsar a los árabes de su territorio e inundar Europa con las huestes del Islam algo que desatiende el pontífice Don Pancho Culo Magno con su buenismo cipayo de los intereses judaicos. Es una estrategia de jaque mate al cristianismo en toda la regla utilizando los medios de comunicación occidentales en España las cadenas de radio y periódicos emisoras televisivas están en poder de los sionistas. Este tratado de amistad de Israel con marruecos se conjuga con el que otrora a finales del siglo 19 establecieron los norteamericanos. Todo apunta a una invasión no solo del Sahara español las antiguas provincias africanas sino también, Ceuta, Melilla y las Canarias. Un ultimo objetivo seria la reconquista de Andalucía. He aquí una movida peligrosa que sólo puede hacerse en un quid pro quo (es lo que harían los sanguinarios israelitas) expulsando a todos los sarracenos de España, ruptura de relaciones diplomáticas con Rabat y el envío de tropas a la frontera secundadas por la Armada. Sólo la fuerza y la capacidad de disuasión nos podría liberar de la amaenaza y por supuesto cerrar las sinagogas de Satán. Trudno que diria un ruso. Muy duro. Los remedios no son los paños calientes necesitamos curas de caballo. España vencerá pero antes debemos suprimir los partidos politicos que son troyanos de ese poder universal que trata de detentar el sionismo

domingo, 16 de mayo de 2021

del new york times


Extraterrestrial Plutonium Atoms Turn Up on Ocean Bottom

The rare form of the element found on the Pacific seabed points to its violent birth in colliding stars.

The remnants of a supernova, center bottom in blue-green, near the Small Magellanic Cloud, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Credit...NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) and J. Green (University of Colorado, Boulder)

Scientists studying a sample of oceanic crust retrieved from the Pacific seabed nearly a mile down have discovered traces of a rare isotope of plutonium, the deadly element that has been central to the atomic age.

They say it was made in colliding stars and later rained down through Earth’s atmosphere as cosmic dust millions of years ago. Their analysis opens a new window on the cosmos.

“It’s amazing that a few atoms on Earth can help us learn about where half of all the heavier elements in our universe are synthesized,” said Anton Wallner, the paper’s first author and a nuclear physicist. Dr. Wallner works at the Australian National University as well as the Helmholtz Center in Dresden, Germany.

Dr. Wallner and his colleagues reported their findings in Science on Thursday.

Plutonium has a bad reputation, one that is well-deserved.


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The radioactive element fueled the world’s first nuclear test explosion as well as the bomb that leveled the Japanese city of Nagasaki during World War II. After the war, scientists found the health repercussions of plutonium to be particularly deadly. If inhaled or ingested in minute quantities, it could result in fatal cancers. Small amounts also pack a bigger punch than other nuclear fuels, a quality that aided the making of compact city busters that nuclear powers put atop their intercontinental missiles.

The element is often considered artificial because it is so seldom found outside of human creations. In the periodic table, it is the last of 94 atoms characterized as naturally occurring. Traces of it can be found in uranium ores. Astrophysicists have long known that it’s also spontaneously created in the universe. But they’ve had a hard time pinpointing any exact sites of its origin.

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What makes the deep ocean a good place for the gathering of extraterrestrial clues is its extreme remoteness from the waves of change near the planet’s surface. It’s a sanctuary where things can sit undisturbed for millions of years. In this case, the scientists got lucky when they had a chance to study material from a Japanese expedition that sampled the seabed in the equatorial Pacific.

Stars in their cores turn light elements into heavier ones, creating elements as heavy as iron. The new discovery sheds light on the relative contributions of two different ways the universe is thought to go about making all of the elements that are heavier than iron, including many found in everyday life, like copper and zinc, mercury and iodine.

ImageA pellet of Plutonium-238, glowing from its own energy. This isotope of the element is common compared with the cosmic variety.
Credit...U.S. Department of Energy

The exploding stars known as supernovas have long been seen as a main source. The abrupt gravitational collapse of a massive star turns much of its matter into heavy elements that shoot back into space as it rebounds in a colossal blast. These drifting elements ultimately get mixed with more common atoms to become the raw material for new stars and planets, or for life itself in the case of humans.

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2021


Isabel de Madrid¿ ha nacido una nueva isabela para bien de la unidad de España?




A su chiscón asturiano vía los bits and bites de Guillermito Puertas que se acababa de divorciar (dio a su ex libelo de repudio con un cheque de muchos millones de dólares) llegaba el cricri sonoro y enervante de los grillos conjugados con eco de de los canto de las niñas en corro:

"En Madrid hay un palacio

todo rumbo Maribel

no es de oro ni oropel

donde vive una señora cuyo nombre es Isabel

no la quieren casar sus padres con ningún conde o marqués" etc

Claro que Madrid era mucho Madrid y a la  prudente niña Isabel no la podían casar con un tarugo como Sánchez pues on su aplomo su belleza y su sonrisa puso fuera de combate al energúmeno del Chepas. Mucho arroz para un pollo.

la política en España siempre osciló entre la vil lisonja de los palmeros como Jauregui  o las traiciones del obispo Acuña el derrotado de Villalar,

Los pactos y conspiraciones y chanchullos e iniquidades del Estamento. Isabel de Castilla Isabel de Madrid Dios te guarde del mal fario de los gestos atrabiliarios malandrines, de la envidia, la venganza y la codicia el robo y la ignorancia que siempre fueron la causa de la guerra entre españoles. Aquí unos y oros siempre tienen un garrote o un trabuco una faca dentro de la faja Se fue el caimán por el barranquillo y el amotinado Coletas abandonó la política un arte en el cual es preciso oler bien e ir bien trajeado requerimiento implacable de los votantes. Es lo que decía el llorado Paco Umbral. Mister Churches hizo mangas y capirotes de tal dictamen, salía a la calle con las culeras manchadas del barro de las aceras

Y sin haberse lavado los dientes llenos de sarro en tres semanas. 

Claro que el Soguillas tuvo miedo por Niña Isabel y decía lo que Felipe II de su hijo: "Temo que me lo desgobiernen". Las palomas torcaces vuelan hacia el nido ajeno mientras el pueblo paciente y sufridor padece los equívocos y veleidades de sus dirigentes

domingo, 2 de mayo de 2021


Putin un estadista que dio testimonio de su fe en el Salvador



Con una vela en la mano y persignándote desde tu tribuna

 anoche fuiste la luz del mundo

El único estadista de la lista

Dando testimonio

Oyendo el grito de los coros

Y el hurra de los diáconos

Nuncios de la resurrección

La vida que renace al otro lado del sepulcro

La savia que brota y se renueva

Giran las esferas proyectando

Música en notas matemáticas

Algo de la ciencia de Dios

Su belleza y sabiduría sobre las cúpulas

Cuando subía el humo de los incensarios

Que el acólito movía dulcemente

La congregación asistía en pie a esta gran espectáculo

Misa de gloria entre las glorias

Sentí un rayo de esperanza en mi tribulación de ser abandonado

Vivo fumo y escribo como el naufrago en una isla

Pero tú desde tu sinceridad y firmeza

Elegante terno azul

Me lanzas el mensaje en la botella

Los malos sanedritas quisieron asesinarte

Pero un ángel extendió sus alas desviando el disparo

Del misil confundiendo el avión en que viajabas

Que no era el ruso

Sino holandés

Del mismo color, modelo y fuselaje

Dios está contigo

Eres hombre de paz

Pero te preparas a una guerra defensiva

Volodia, Dios está contigo

Pondrás al diablo bajo tus botas

Eres resiliente y dúctil pero aguerrido

Como un coronel del KGB

Dotado con el coselete antibalas

Y la protección del Arcángel San Miguel

Xristós vaskriese

Pop istini vaskries