jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Sleeping rough in LONDON streets 

Sleeping rough in the London streets 
A bed of cardboard boxes 
One day it was kiss and roses 
Lovemaking near fireplace 
All that was gone 
And now is boredom and refuse 
For the outclass 
Dead is looming under the bridges 
Of River Thames 
O Christ look 
What they´´ ve done to me 
No crown of roses 
No garlands o lilies 
But corona Virus 
In my foreheads 
Cough and fever 
Louse and leech 
Look, Helen, what they have done to me 
I rang your bell 
A shrill voice from inside yelled: 
Go away you bastard 
Or I´ll call 
The police 
O dear Helen fifty years ago 
You married me 
And we were happy 
It was a dream 
Go away, go away 
And tramp the London streets 
We don’t know you 
Here you don’t belong 
In my life you were a thief 
My former wife said 
And then going back 
To the London streets 
I awoke of a cruel dream 
Everyone was talking 
Of the new plague 
The lethal Covid 
It was freezing in the night 
Under the dark sky 
Only the flame of my sweet memories of that life 
Which was a dream kept me warm 
The flame of love was alive 
I know I am a trump 
Obdachglose menschi, derelict 
Bur I pray for you my dear Helen 
O Lord forgive my sins 

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